A LIFE WELL LIVED… ‘Lives of great men all remind us, We can make our lives sublime; And, departing, leave behind us, Footprints on the sands of time. Footprints, that perhaps another, Sailing o’er life’s solemn main; A forlorn and shipwrecked brother; Seeing, shall take heart again.’ (Henry Longfellow) J-o-o-e-e Skinner, I have learned to, and believe, that the worth of a man is not measured by the number of years he spent on this earth, but rather what he put into those years whiles here on earth; that is so true, and without an iota of doubt your life here on earth has testified to this truth. Though to us you were gone too soon, you made sure you never wasted, but productively utilized every bit of your life not only impacting other lives that came your way, regardless, but also for the general good and benefit of mankind and enhancing the kingdom business. Whereas to us it was heart-rending, God found contentment in a fulfilled life, and it was therefore not surprising that when the time came, bubbling with confidence, you exited the stage knowing too well that you have indeed finished playing your part in fighting the good fight, whiles keeping the faith, and more importantly finishing the race on a beautifully resounding victory note. Nii, as we celebrate your one year anniversary today, January 7, 2017, I personally doff my hat to you for a great job well done to the glory of the Most High and the comfort of humanity. Undoubtedly we missed you, but with cheerful hearts we embrace the good news that we have not lost you, for we believe and have that blessed assurance that when the trump of God shall sound, we certainly will see each other again. Till then, J-o-o-e-e Skinner, KEEP BRIGHTENING THE CORNER……WHERE YOU ARE!! Love from us all!!!