My Dearest Nii, Another year has come since we lost you. Now it is your two year anniversary. So much has happened over the past two years. In one way, life goes on however it does not mean you have been forgotten. You are constantly in our thoughts. As I (with Dziffy) explore new avenues in radio/video drama, you are a part of that journey, as your drumming (at the children's event in Morgantown) is our signature music track. Today I was thinking about your last public statement and how that captures the essence of the man you became. Daddy said once that every parent will be lucky to have a son like you. Sweetie, Letie and I are certainly fortunate to have had a brother like you. I do not enjoy my new position as the eldest child. I miss calling you to brainstorm family decisions. When I think about how I am now a smart phone user, and how I am addicted to Whatsapp, I can't help but smile at how lost I was when you tried to explain the concept of WhatsApp to me. Through your generosity, I transitioned from the dark ages to the world of smart phones and you wouldn't believe that I am actually using an iphone! Hahaha. Remember how I would tease you when we visited and I noticed your latest acquisition? I miss that and I hear your voice in my head teasing me back. When I mispronounce a word (which happens very rarely :), I can hear your accusatory tone, stating that I would have laughed at others if they made the same mistake. We mourn our loved ones who are no more, but we never know when we ourselves will depart this earth. Even scarier, we do not know what lies ahead of us. Sure we have suggestions from the Bible, but we truly really don't know. That is what saddens me when I think that you are no longer on this side. I hope you are ok and I remind myself that you do have a cloud of witnesses surrounding you. Why you and Mummy both left in January, I don't know. I pray you found each other. I look out for you all the time, in faces I see (familiar or strange). I miss you terribly and I hope you knew (and know) how much you mean to me and to the rest of your family. With all my love, Naa Norley.